Information Collection and Use
The personal information gathered during the profiling process is used to help evaluate your fit to the opportunity with the (potential) employer. The data gathered are hosted by Self Management Group, a third party application provider, and will not be shared with anyone except registered users with the (potential) employer or registered consultants working on behalf of the (potential) employer without your express permission.
Periodically, the application provider collects the data on an aggregate basis for the purposes of validating the selection process in the form of a professional report. You will not be personally identified in the professional validation report and the data are managed by trained research professionals who act in accordance with current privacy legislation.
Any personal data collected here will not be shared with any person or organization for any other purpose than stated here.
The directors and managers of the Self Management Group have taken measures to ensure privacy compliance including appropriate training, evaluation of the system and audits. A privacy officer has been designated to deal with complaints.
The data will be maintained in the third party system for a period of not more than five (5) years after which time it will be removed from the active database, de-identified and stored in an offline archival database.
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