Retail SimulationPro™ (SIM #128042792891 for Sample Person on November 21, 2011) Page 1 

Candidate Information 
Name: Sample Person  |  Telephone: test  |  Email Address:  
Desired Location: ~ Test Simulation - Retail Simulation


Retail SimulationPro™

This report provides an overall assessment of the candidate's suitability to perform the necessary skills for a retail position.

Overall Score
An average of Procedural Compliance, PC Skills, and Cognitive Skills.


1. Procedural Compliance
An evaluation of ability to follow store, integrity, and customer service policies.
2. PC Skills
An evaluation of keyboarding and computer navigation.
3. Cognitive Skills
An evaluation of cognitive abilities based on the simulation exercise.

©2011, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
 Retail SimulationPro™ (SIM #128042792891 for Sample Person on November 21, 2011) Page 2 

1. Procedural Compliance
An evaluation of ability to follow store, integrity, and customer service policies.
Store Policies
The simulation contains a number of situations where the candidate must demonstrate the ability to follow store policies. This skill is measured by:
 Correct number of tabs clicked on when requested: No (0/5)
 Followed hold policies: Yes
 Addressed customer by name: Yes
 Checked Inventory tab for more information: No
Integrity Policies
Recognized situation of moral reasoning and responded accordingly. This skill is measured by:
 Followed cell phone policy: Yes
 Correct response to situation: Yes (Yes he is often late)
Customer Service Policies
This skill is measured by assessing whether or not the candidate chose the appropriate greetings, reacts properly, and handles objection well:
 First greeting: Hello, what brings you into our location today?
 Second greeting: How can I help you with that product in your hand?
 Reacted in a proper manner/ensured customer satisfaction? No
 Did the candidate handle objection well? Yes

2. PC Skills
An evaluation of keyboarding and computer navigation.
There is a clear keyboarding exercise where the skills are measured as follows:
 Speed and accuracy when entering information using computer keyboard: WPM=66
Navigation Time
Time taken on simulation exercise (mm:ss): 0:25

©2011, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.
 Retail SimulationPro™ (SIM #128042792891 for Sample Person on November 21, 2011) Page 3 

3. Cognitive Skills
An evaluation of cognitive abilities based on the simulation exercise.
Basic Mathematics
There are number of math exercises in the simulation. This skill is measured by:
 Identify product cost with discount: Yes
 Identified number of units in stores: Yes
 Value of units in stores: Yes
 Used calculator efficiently: Yes
 Time taken on this competency (mm:ss): 0:18
Attention to Detail
The simulation rates candidates on how well the candidate applies information throughout the customer interaction. This skill is measured by:
 Shipping label errors corrected: 1/2
 Identified incorrect shipping errors: 1/6
 Clicked on incorrect words: 5/6
 Identify the customer's name: Yes
 Time taken on this competency (mm:ss): 0:03
Memory & Recall
The simulation rates candidates on how well the candidate recalls information throughout the customer interaction. This skill is measured by:
 Identify the customer's phone number in first attempt: Yes
 Identify the customer's phone number in the second attempt: N/A
 Checked inventory: Yes
 Identified store hours: Yes
 Verified store hours in tab: Yes

©2011, Selection Testing Consultants Inc.