
Operations Supervisor Profile


Sample Person


  Contents Page

I Profile Overview 2
II Summary of Strengths/Developmental Suggestions 3
III Communication Style 5
IV Success Habits 6
V Summary of Scores 8
VI Responses from Opinions Section 9

The Operations Supervisor Profile is designed to provide insight into the strengths of individuals who will be acting as supervisors in business operations. By identifying and understanding personal strengths as well as identifying growth opportunities, managers and career coaches will be able to fit people to suitable operational roles. This profile will also provide managers with suggestions on how to coach their people more effectively.
-- John C. Marshall, Ph.D.


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I Profile Overview

Communications Style

Reflects natural style of communicating with others on an interpersonal basis.
Ask/Listen Balanced Tell

Energetic Leadership

Reflects the most natural approach to leading other people.
High Energy/Enthusiastic   Relaxed/Detached

Process/Systems Management

An indication of the individual's natural approach to understanding, explaining and facilitating essential processes
Manages/Facilitates   Supervises/Imposes

Performance Management

An indication of the individual's natural approach to getting things done by those being supervised.
Very Demanding Balanced No Pressure

Team Development and Coaching

An indication of the person's natural approach to developing and coaching a team.
Autocratic Democratic Team Member

Accepts Responsibility

Reflects the degree to which individual takes responsibility for own actions and decisions.
Assumes Responsibility/Confident   Not Ready

Decision Making

Reflects the amount of information that is preferred when making a decision and the speed of the decision making process.
Quick/Decisive   Methodical
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II Summary of Strengths/Developmental Suggestions

Self Management/Initiative
Initiates/Proactive   Responsive

Sample would be described as very assertive, competitive and goal oriented. He shows a lot of initiative and should be able to work within general guidelines and with minimal documentation and supervision. He will be able to motivate himself and evaluate his own performance with little feedback from management and because of this, he will feel able to handle most situations on his own without a lot of help from others. Sample has the potential to be very effective in a variety of situations including unfamiliar ones.

Interview Suggestions

  • Outline a situation in which you had to develop a plan and follow it to completion.
  • Outline a similar situation where you had to follow someone else's plan.
  • What were the advantages of each situation? Which situation suited you best?
Coaching Suggestions

  • Sample will respond best to opportunities that are flexible and provide him with the opportunity to use his own initiative.
  • He will do very well in a supervisory role that is interesting and allows him to plan and manage his own activity to a degree.
  • Place him on projects where he can work with managers who coach and facilitate.

Motivational Profile/Drive
Seeks Challenge/Task Oriented   Relaxed/Contented

Sample would be described as highly motivated by challenge, task oriented and occasionally very impatient. He is an individual with a great deal of drive, energy and ambition. He enjoys achieving goals regularly and is quite likely to seek out challenge in his work. He would be well suited to a fast-paced environment where his compensation includes a performance bonus based on meeting specific goals as well as a base salary. People with his motivational structure can be top performers if well matched to the right environment but Sample must also remember to be careful to follow up on the people/service aspects of his work.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe your goal setting process.
  • In your last supervisory job, how did you communicate the goals for your team?
  • Did you determine the goals for your team? How did they feel about the goals?
  • How do you feel about people who do not show a sense of urgency? How have you dealt with them in the past?
  • How do you motivate other people?
Coaching Suggestions

  • Challenge Sample to work on or lead projects that are challenging and/or need to be completed in a short time.
  • Give him projects that will provide sufficient short term challenge and reward.
  • Coach him to develop his self management potential so that he is leading by his example.
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II Summary of Strengths/Developmental Suggestions (cont'd)

Team Orientation/Approach to Structure
Independent/Creates Own Systems & Structure   Dependent/ Prefers Structured Environments

Sample would be described as extremely independent and more likely to create new processes than to follow the existing ones. If something does not appeal to him, he will probably develop his own way of doing it. He is likely to create new procedures whenever there is the need for them. This area of his character will be a strength where guidelines are minimal and he is expected to develop new systems or structure. This level of independence can help him be an effective consultant or change agent if he is able to present his recommendations in a fashion that clients can accept.

Interview Suggestions

  • How did you feel about the last environment in which you worked? What did you like (or dislike)?
  • Outline a situation where you worked in a very structured environment. How were you able to adapt?
  • How comfortable are you following a proven process?
  • Describe a situation where you developed new procedures. What role did you play in their implementation?
Coaching Suggestions

  • Help Sample take advantage of his independent nature where possible but avoid putting him in roles which are very structured. He will have difficulty integrating with very structured operations and may frustrate people who are being supervised by his approach to supervision.
  • Coach him on how to integrate with very structured environments rather than to clash with them.
  • If he wants to change the culture, ask him to develop suggestionss for change and give him the chance to present his suggestions to you.

Comfort with Conflict
Very Comfortable   Avoids Conflict

Sample has the potential to be quite comfortable in situations where there is conflict such as an angry customer or disgruntled employee. His comfort with conflict can be a strength in situations where conflict is a common occurrence or there is ongoing tension that may require his intervention. People with Tom 's level of comfort with conflict may even occasionally create conflict to further their own goals or amuse themselves.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe a situation where you had to deal with an angry customer or colleague.
  • Why did the person become angry? How did you resolve the situation?
  • What strategies have you used to avoid conflict?
Coaching Suggestions

  • Use Sample in high conflict situations if he shows restraint and is able to avoid the temptation to engage in debate.
  • He can be effective in these situations if he is coached to listen and address the concerns of angry people.
  • Sample may benefit from conflict resolution training which would be an asset in a supervisor, project leader or manager role.
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Social Orientation
Warm/Friendly/Sociable   Builds Relationships over Longer Term

Sample is generally sociable, friendly and outgoing. He should be at ease building relationships in most situations. He is comfortable with other people and should be able to work well in an environment where there is balance between making regular contact with a well established client base or meeting with new users and clients.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe the last time that you entered a new work environment. How did you build effective relationships?
  • Describe your strengths as a communicator.
  • What are your goals with regard to growth in interpersonal areas?
  • What are you doing to develop yourself in these areas?
Coaching Suggestions

  • Help him understand that the ability to work well with others is a strength in any career and that this can be one of his strengths.
  • Coach him to be a good listener so that others will feel that their needs are understood.
  • Suggest that he give short presentations at meetings.
  • Consult with him on how he would like to develop his communications skills.

Analytical Orientation
Systematic/Analytical   Learns the Necessities

Sample will learn what is necessary to do the job effectively but would prefer to avoid a lot of technical issues. He is unlikely to be motivated by solving technical problems or intellectual challenges unless they have a practical application.

Interview Suggestions

  • Describe the most difficult technical job which you have had.
  • What did you enjoy about it? What did you not enjoy?
  • How have you dealt with a technical problem outside your area of expertise? Was the problem fixed?
Coaching Suggestions

  • Assign Sample to projects where there is more emphasis on interacting effectively with other people than using his analytical skills.
  • Assign him to projects that are similar to his own interests and experience. He is more likely to be effective in those.
  • Assign him technical support when there are a lot of detailed technical issues or unpredictable problems.
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Self Confidence
Feels in Control/Internally Directed   Feels Controlled by External Factors

Sample shows a very high level of self confidence at this time. He believes that most situations can be managed by his own efforts and feels competent to deal effectively with them. He would be seen as an individual who feels responsible for his own performance.

Coaching Suggestions
  • Build on his self confidence and sustain it by supporting his good feelings about himself.
  • If Sample seems arrogant, remember that awareness of his strengths will help him maintain his best performance levels. Deal with perceived arrogance by asking him to evaluate his own relationship to his peer group and others. If he cares about the impact he is having, he will work to correct it without hurting his confidence.
  • Encourage him to continue to feel responsible for his performance.
  • Coach Sample to commit to mutually agreed upon goals.

Lifestyle Management
Handling Stress Well   Stress Management Training Would Help

Sample appears to manage his energy and deal with stress very well. He will be able to work to deadlines and manage difficult situations and demanding users without suffering the negative effects of stress. Pressure and his ability to cope with stress effectively should even enhance his performance in challenging situations.

Coaching Suggestions
  • Sample may need continual challenge from his work environment to avoid boredom.
  • He may be an effective mentor for those who could benefit from learning how to cope with stress.
  • He should be able to assume additional responsibilities when there are additional challenges.
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Attitudes About Work
Very Positive   Can be Negative

Sample 's responses show an excellent attitude towards operations, logistics and other people. He should be a very positive influence on his colleagues.

Coaching Suggestions

  • Enjoy his positive outlook and support him as he sees the positive side of each situation.
  • Ask him for his insights on how things can get even better.

Listening Style
Very Good Listener   Needs Coaching

Sample demonstrates a strong approach to listening effectively while in conversation with others. is likely to listen to others attentively which will enable him to better understand and relate to them. Sample 's strong approach to listening should help him in developing good interpersonal relationships with the people that he will encounter in his position. Sample would be well-suited for positions that require good listening skills.

Coaching Suggestions

  • Reinforce and encourage Sample to capitalize on his strong approach to listening in his interactions with clients, peers or others.
  • Take advantage of his strengths as a listener by using him to deal with difficult clients and to gather information where others have been unable to do so.
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       71        76        62        65        17
Self Confidence Lifestlye Management Attitudes about Work Listening Style Uncertainty Coefficient
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1=Don't Agree At All2=Agree A Little3=Somewhat Agree4=Moderately Agree5=Definitely Agree

1. Effort gets results.  (5)
2. I thrive under pressure.  (5)
3. I rarely interrupt others while they are speaking.  (5)
4. Good management is an essential part of any organization. (5)
5. I am often influenced by others. (3)
6. I would have difficulty integrating a demanding career into my lifestyle.  (1)
7. I have never told lies.  (1)
8. Operations people are easily replaced. (2)
9. Most mistakes can be avoided. (5)
10. I am comfortable with changes in technology.  (5)
11. I like to hear people fully explain their point of view. (5)
12. Operations people have a positive public image.  (4)
13. People's good qualities are seldom recognized.  (2)
14. I sometimes lack the energy to perform important tasks. (1)
15. Most conversations take too long. (1)
16. People are often critical of �blue collar' workers. (1)
17. I am good at most things that I try to do.  (5)
18. I stay focused on my priorities.  (5)
19. After listening to an interesting anecdote, I like to describe a similar situation involving me.  (1)
20. A strong sales force is essential for the survival of any business. (5)
21. Success is mostly luck.  (1)
22. I often allow my attitude to affect my performance negatively. (1)
23. All my habits are good and desirable ones. (1)
24. Demanding customers bring out the best in an organization. (5)
25. People get the respect that they deserve. (4)
26. I generally have a positive attitude towards work.  (5)
27. I never envy others their good luck.  (3)
28. A career in operations provides many opportunities. (4)
29. It is impossible to change company procedures.  (1)
30. I find it difficult to manage my professional demands. (1)
31. I prefer to listen in conversations. (4)
32. There are very few good managers.  (1)
33. Hard work brings success.  (5)
34. I excel in a dynamic environment.  (5)
35. I consciously pause before responding to others. (5)
36. Service is essential in business today. (5)
37. Plans never work out.  (1)
38. I often avoid difficult tasks.  (1)
39. I have never been late for work or for an appointment. (1)
40. People are always trying to show me how smart they are.  (1)
41. I create opportunities.  (5)
42. I take care of myself with good daily habits.  (4)
43. I try to do most of the talking when presenting materials to others. (3)
44. There are many incompetent people in this business.  (2)
45. Compliments make me uncomfortable.  (3)
46. I have difficulty coping with daily job challenges.  (1)
47. I have never boasted or bragged. (1)
48. I enjoy working with demanding customers. (5)
49. A good plan can avoid mistakes.    (5)
50. Stress improves my performance.    (4)
51. After listening to someone talk, I repeat the important points back to them to insure my understanding.    (5)
52. Operations people are highly respected by management.   (4)
53. Hard work does not always get results.    (1)
54. To be effective on the job, I need more energy.    (1)
55. I make sure others have finished speaking before I respond.   (5)
56. Careers in logistics or operations are boring.   (3)
57. I find it easy to talk about myself.   (4)
58. Regular habits are an important part of my success.   (4)
59. I have never said anything unkind about anyone else.   (1)
60. Operations people are not appreciated.   (2)
61. I am distracted easily.    (1)
62. Professional demands often interfere with my lifestyle.    (1)
63. People take too long to get to the point.   (2)
64. Customer complaints are excellent opportunities to improve.    (5)
65. I am a confident person.    (5)
66. I can concentrate on my work for long periods of time.   (5)
67. I will interrupt other people to provide an answer to their question.   (1)
68. It is difficult to educate people about what I do.   (1)
69. My performance depends on the situation.   (1)
70. To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes.   (1)
71. No one is ever rude to me.   (1)
72. People understand the stress associated with my job.    (4)
73. I am successful in most aspects of my life.    (5)
74. Work does not get me down.    (5)
75. I enjoy listening to other people.   (5)
76. Logistics people will always be in demand.    (4)
77. I am reluctant to make decisions.    (1)
78. Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success.   (1)
79. I always admit my own mistakes.   (5)
80. Working in a operations/logistics is merely a bridge to other careers.   (3)
81. I take time to reflect on my accomplishments.    (4)
82. I enjoy pressure on the job.    (4)
83. I give others my undivided attention when they are speaking to me.    (5)
84. Operations supervisors are good role models.   (4)
85. I let the organization define my training needs.    (1)
86. People do not understand the pressures of my job.    (1)
87. I prefer to ask very specific questions that require only a 'yes/no' answer.   (1)
88. Management tends to discount the advice of operations people.   (2)
89. Effort is entirely my responsibility.   (5)
90. I manage stress effectively.   (5)
91. I have a tendency to finish other people's sentences.   (1)
92. My job has limited potential.   (1)
93. Others have interfered with my success.   (1)
94. It is difficult to establish job priorities.   (1)
95. I am not a good listener.   (1)
96. Sales people have it easy.   (1)
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